Un dolor inesperado

Hoy me he levantado con un terrible dolor en la parte baja de la barriga que llegaba hasta la ingle izquierda. Al andar notaba que me dolía y veía que me iba a caer. Por eso, decidí descansar después de almorzar algo y me ha sentado la mar de bien. Aún tengo el dolor y espero que no sea grave, sino mañana iré al médico a ver que me dice.
Como no tengo muchas ganas de escribir, expongo una canción que llego a mis oídos no hace mucho pero el poco tiempo que llevo escuchándola ha servido para que la incluya entre mis canciones favoritas. Aquí dejo la letra:
i'm not the type to get my heart broken, im not the type
to get upset and crycause i'll never leave my heart open never hurts me to say
goodbyerelationships dont get deep to me never got that whole
enough thingand someone can say they love me truly but at the time it
didn't mean a thingmy mind is gone im spinning round and deep inside my tears
i'll drowni'm losing grip what's happening i stray from love this is how i
feelthis time was different felt like I was just a
victimand it cut me like a knife when you walked outta my
lifenow i'm in this condition and I've got all the
symptomsof a girl with a broken heart but no matterwhat you'll never see me crydid it happen when we first kissed cause it's hurting me
to let it gomaybe cause we spend so much time and I know that it's no
moreI shoulda never let you hold me baby maybe why im sad to
see us apartI didnt give it to you on purpose gotta figure out how you
stole my heartmy mind is gone i'm spinning round and deep inside my
tears i'll drowni'm losing grip what's happening I stray from love this is
how I feelthis time was different felt like I was just a
victimand it cut me like a knife when you walked outta my
lifenow i'm in this condition and I've got all the
symptomsof a girl with a broken heart but no matterwhat you'll never see me cryhow did I get here with you i'll never knowand never meant to let it get so personaland after all I tried to do to stay away from loving
youi'm broken hearted i can let you knowand i wont let it show, you wont see me crythis time was different felt like I was just a
victimand it cut me like a knife when you walked outta my
lifenow i'm in this condition and I've got all the
symptomsof a girl with a broken heart but no matterwhat you'll never see me crythis time was different felt like i was just a
victimand it cut me like a knife when you walked outta my
lifenow i'm in this condition and i've got all the
symptomsof a girl with a broken heart but no matterwhat you'll never see me cry, all my life
Rihanna - Cry
Etiquetas: Song
4 comentarios:
Bueno David, no te me pongas melancólico. Y descansa, que es lo que debes hacer ¿ok?
Que no me entere yo que andas por ahí, doliéndote eso ¿ok?
Te estaré vigilando.
No estoy melancólico, tan solo dolorido xDD. Aunque ya es casi inexistente.
¿Qué me vas a vigilar las 24 horas del día? jajajaja
Vaya, pobrecito mío. Debes estar bien jodido, descansa y espero que te pongas bien. Sino, pues al médico, espero que no sea nada. Un abrazo.
Ya estoy perfectamente y no me ha hecho falta ir al médico :) Tan solo fue un sustillo doloroso.
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